Attention Business Owners

Do you want more freedom to do what you want, when you want? 

It isn’t always the money holding you back from having your ideal life.  Sometimes it can be that you are in the weeds of your company.  You have to put your eye on almost everything that is put out by your company – marketing materials, client emails.  You close the sales and personally work with your clients.  Breaking free from these patterns takes time and commitment.   Are you ready?  If so, this challenge if for you.

(This works even if you think there is no way you can break free.) 

Day 1: Design Your Ideal Day

Day 2: Unlock Your Genius

Day 3: Master Letting Go

Day 4: Leverage Your Time Blueprint

Day 5: Build Momentum

The 'From Bottleneck to Breakthrough Entrepreneurial Challenge will walk you through exactly how my clients have increased the value of their business and revenue so that they can spend more of it performing in their genius zone, make more money and build a more valuable company. 

Here’s What You’ll Learn Each Day Of The Challenge:

DAY 1: Design Your Ideal Day

Your relationship with time evolves and there is never a greater shift than when you become an Entrepreneur. The same rules don’t apply anymore, yet we have crafted our business around them, essentially building a prison for ourselves! In this class, we will examine what you want your ideal day to look like and where you will spend your time now that your understand the Entrepreneurial Time Rules..

DAY 2: Unlock Your Genius

Going all-in on what you do best is scary since most business owners end up building a business that has them spending 95% of their day on tasks outside their zone of genius. This keeps them suck in a prison of their own making. It’s like being in business jail. Fully owning your zone of genius means shedding those tasks and activities that don’t fit in that zone. In this session we will unlock your genius to identify the items that give you energy and fill you with purpose.

DAY 3: Master Letting Go

Not letting go is costing you a great deal. In money, energy and growth. In this session we will analyze your activities/tasks, decide if they fit into your zone of genius and then what is the cost of holding on to them. Highlighting the reasons, obstacles, resources that have kept you from shedding these tasks in the past will allow you to build a strategy that will work.

DAY 4: Leverage Your Time Blueprint

It is time to build out the roadmap to break the bottleneck and escape business jail. This is the step by step process you can use time and again when it comes to shedding your undesired or worthy of your time activities. We will build out your options, qualifications required and then look at delegation in a whole new way.

DAY 5: Build Momentum

With so much information at your finger tips, why do so many Entrepreneurs fail to execute? By Chunking down the activities and putting it to a timeline will help you understand exactly the steps you are going to take to function more in your zone of genius. And avoid the 4 forces of perfection, procrastination, fear and sometimes ego that keep us from achieving our ideal day. We will examine other drivers of growth that can amplify the trajectory of your business value.


The pressures of doing all the things are not going

away unless you take concrete steps. Make this your best year yet by:

- Breaking through to your next level of revenue
- Doing the work you are best at
- Turning time into your competitive advantage


JOIN THE Bottleneck to Breakthrough 5-Day Challenge TODAY

Ready To go from Bottleneck to Breakthrough with Proven

strategies that will change your life



  • You are ready to break through to a new level of income

  • You want to make your business more valuable

  • You want to spend more time doing the things that you find energizing

  • You are ready to break out of your business prison

  • You don’t want all roads to lead to you